24th May 2024
Friendships are an incredibly important part of growing up, yet it is very common to have challenges when navigating friendships.
The Year 7 class have been looking at building healthy relationships in PSHCE this term. We started by looking at the differences in the relationships we have with different groups such as friends, family and teachers, how these differ from acquaintances and appropriate boundaries for each group. This included exploring the boundaries required for safe online interactions and recognising the difference between the online world and the real world. In today’s world it is vital to remind students of the boundaries they should enforce with online friendships when they do not know a person in real life. It is also important that students know that healthy relationships take work and require personal investment, even keeping a positive relationship with oneself.
The underlying theme for this module was building positive relationships so we can become healthy individuals and identifying relationships that may be damaging.
The Year 7 would like to share these key points:
I have learnt about online friendships and offline friendships and how to be safe online and offline. - Aiden
To be kind is truly to live peacefully, let’s live kindly - Yasmin
Be kind to people even if they are mean - Gaetan
Respect your friend as a person - Aleena
Respect people’s beliefs - Matis
Never share your identity with anyone or your location online. - Ryan
Trust your friends. Support your friends - Sean
If your friend uses you, don't accept them as a good friend. - Pamela
Be careful online, don’t share your address online- Ivana