Year 4 News

2nd December 2023

As the first term draws to a close, we take this moment to celebrate the successes and achievements of each member of Year 4. In mathematics, we explored Numbers and Place Value, Addition and Subtraction, and Multiplication and Division. It was truly inspiring to witness the determination and effort exerted by the children, especially in learning their times tables. We have experienced remarkable success in this area.

In English, we studied Aesop’s fables, Explanation Texts, Image Poems, and Stories set in familiar settings. It was enriching to observe the immense creativity displayed by our children. Indeed, we have budding authors among us.

Our science lessons addressed Living Things and their Habitats. The children learned to classify living things by studying their characteristics. Furthermore, the class acquired the skill of using classification keys to identify different living things.

I am eternally proud of the rich, vibrant engagements that took place within and beyond the walls of our classroom, and I eagerly anticipate more wonderful moments in the coming term.

Mr. Ndungu

Year 4 Class Teacher