Year 12 PSHCE - Looking to the future

22nd March 2024

This term the Year 12 PHSCE group has been looking to the future! The next step….

As a group we have had discussions about options for moving on, university courses, jobs and other options and how we move into these areas. The Year 12s have been working as a group during discussions, then independently, searching for information about how and what they need to move on.

The students have come up with questions and interviewed each other, researched different countries and universities within those countries and different courses. They have looked at and discussed other routes after sixth form and what appeals to them as individuals.

Mr Moyse

Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence
Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Kenyan International Schools Association