Y10 PSHE, Healthy Relationships

22nd February 2024

In the first half of this term, the Year 10 students have studied Healthy Relationships in PSHCE. They have worked on tasks such as how to identify the characteristics of both healthy and unhealthy relationships, and they have learnt to recognise the warning signs that may point to a potential abusive relationship. They have also studied how to manage conflict within a relationship in a positive and constructive way, and create an exit strategy from an abusive relationship.

Mr Took

Below are some of the thoughts of the Year 10, taken from their “End of Topic Evaluation”


  • What new skills, knowledge or understanding did you gain in this topic?
  • The new things that I learnt were identifying healthy and unhealthy relationships.
  • What areas of this topic did you find most challenging?
  • The areas in this topic that I found most challenging were trying to identify if a relationship was healthy or not.
  • Do you think this topic would be useful to you in the real world? Explain your answer.
  • Yes, I think this topic would be useful because I think it is an important thing to learn and not get yourself into unhealthy relationships because unhealthy relationships can harm yourself and healthy relationships are good because they are positive.


  • What new skills, knowledge or understanding did you gain in this topic?
  • I gained the knowledge to distinguish a healthy and unhealthy relationship.
  • Do you think this topic would be useful to you in the real world? Explain your answer.
  • Yes, this topic could be really useful in the real world. Because it helps you realise if you are in a healthy relationship or not.


  • What new skills, knowledge or understanding did you gain in this topic?
  • How to manage a healthy relationship and what is healthy and unhealthy.
  • What areas of this topic did you find most challenging?
  • Deciding what situations were healthy and which ones were unhealthy.
  • Do you think this topic would be useful to you in the real world? Explain your answer.
  • Yes, I can use it to evaluate my relationships and be safe.


  • What new skills, knowledge or understanding did you gain in this topic?
  • I learnt about consent and respect.
  • Do you think this topic would be useful to you in the real world? Explain your answer.
  • Yes, It will help to teach me to respect others’ boundaries.