Successful individuals - Employability skills - Year 9 PSHCE

30th June 2023

In PSHCE, we have been learning about employability skill sets. In these classes, I have learnt that I have many skill sets that are useful but I have also learnt I lack certain skill sets I may need in the future. My strongest skill is my ability to aim high and set goals for my future self so that my life plans out the way I would like it to be as well as my ability to problem solve using logic. 

However, I do lack the ability to be creative; I believe that I could approach obstacles with more creativity and that I should think outside the box instead of logically all the time. These lessons have informed me about what I need to improve and what my strengths are which will be of use to me in order to succeed wherever I go.


This term we learnt about employment skills and what they are: 

Employment skills are a diverse set of abilities that go beyond technical expertise and include communication, adaptability, critical thinking, problem-solving, teamwork, and leadership. These skills are essential in the globalised and technology-driven job market, enabling individuals to navigate challenges, collaborate effectively, embrace innovation, and continuously learn. By developing these skills, individuals enhance their employability, contribute to organisational success, and adapt to the changing professional landscape.

I also learnt about my strongest skill: leadership. I manage group discussions to reach shared decisions. I recognise my strengths and weaknesses as a leader and of others as a team and I support others through mentorship, speaking. I know what doing well looks for me, I work with a positive approach to new challenges, I set goals for myself.

In general, it has been a very informational and interesting term and I have learnt so many new things.


I am aware of how a speaker is influencing me through their tone.

I engage my listeners by using tone of voice, expression and gesture. 

I complete tasks by finding information I need myself.

I generate ideas to improve something.


During the PSHCE lesson on employability skills, we explored various essential qualities for success in jobs. In the lesson we went through effective communication, teamwork, adaptability, and resilience as key skills. The aim was to equip us with valuable knowledge to enhance our employability prospects.


In PSHCE we have been learning about employability skills and how they are useful to us.

The skills that I found useful are communication skills and time management. 

When you have good communication skills it is easier to work with your peers and classmates. Time management is the process of dividing your time between specific activities in order to efficiently meet your goals.

Employability skills or soft skills are the building blocks of your career.

The most important employability skills are in the areas of:

1) Working well with other people

2) Being reliable and dependable 

3) A willingness to learn 

The skills required to work well with other people are known as interpersonal skills:

1) Listening 

2) Communication skills

3) Teamwork 

4) Problem solving

Skills that make you reliable can consist of: 

1) Time-management

2) Organisation 

3) Self-management


This term in PSHCE we have learned about employment skills, how they can help us in the long run, what they consist of and where we will need to use them and how. Employability skills tend to be non-technical skills that help make you an impactful employee. Each job requires a combination of technical and workplace skills and such skills include: good communication, motivation and initiative, leadership, reliability/dependability, following instructions, team work, patience and adaptability. I think this topic was a good way of showing students how we should work with others to ensure we are working well, enjoying what we are doing and continuously improving our skill set.


The Independent Association of Prep Schools
Association of International Schools in Africa
GL Education Assessment Excellence
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools (Accredited Member)
Kenyan International Schools Association
Council of British International Schools