26th October 2024
Creche - Jack: For his great creativity and imagination using ‘loose parts’.
FS1 - Charlotte: For your enthusiasm and creativity in ‘Small World’ dinosaur play and making an awesome dinosaur land during our ‘Topic’ lesson.
FS2 - Erick: For great construction play, making rockets big and small for our ‘Space’ topic.
Year 1 - Ryan: For being a responsible member of our class, remembering his lines for our class assembly and using his beautiful big voice when rehearsing.
Year 2 - Kizito: For showing great progress with his numbers! Your hard work and focus are really paying off. Keep up the excellent effort, Kizito!
Year 3 - Louis: For working hard in maths and consistently presenting neat work—well done!
Year 4 - David: For your outstanding effort in both maths and English this week. You’ve demonstrated a remarkable attitude, consistently going above and beyond expectations. Keep up the fantastic work! Well done, David!
Year 5 - Veer: For consistently changing his reading book and showing great enthusiasm for reading. He is always able to explain what he has read with clarity.
Year 6 - Mercy: For her confidence and leadership on stage, especially with the singing and dance moves- what a superstar!