24th May 2024
Creche - Zuri: For making a great start to term 3.
Kyeni - For her singing and learning of our assembly song.
FS1 - Amira: For retelling the story, ‘Super worm’ in detail and your amazing creativity in Story Dough.
FS2 - Azalea: For her creative skills in the mark-making area and reading more words confidently during phonics lessons.
Year 1 - Siana: For confidently and accurately finding fractions of various shapes in Maths.
Year 2 - Luming: For an excellent piece of writing and demonstrating independence in his work.
Year 3 - Amina: For her great use of persuasive language and choice of powerful vocabulary to convince her reader in English.
Year 4 - Etienne: For a fantastic attitude to learning this week and brilliant effort in his tasks. Well done, Etienne!
Year 5 -Alenka: For demonstrating exceptional creativity by crafting and presenting her original poem to the class.
Year 6 - Freja: For her excellent progress in her understanding of coordinates in the four quadrants
Creche - Ilya: For sharing information during Circle time and amazing singing during our music lessons
Ethan - For making a great start at BMIS and enjoying activities at school.
FS1 - Alexander: For your confidence to share information about Sweden and talk about the Dala horse during circle time.
FS2 - Deena: For her great work with numbers 11 to 20 and reasoning and understanding about sharing, beginning division.
Year 1 - Iviani: For enriching her writing through the use of exceptional adverbs this week
Year 2 - Hermann: For great enthusiasm while learning to tell the time to the hour and half past.
Year 3 - Erin: For enjoying your week, developing new friendships, and finding your voice- your growth is truly inspiring!
Year 4 - Nyandeng: For the incredible effort and determination to earn your pen licence. You have worked very hard this week and I am proud of every achievement you have made. Congratulations!
Year 5 - Isabella: For your positive attitude towards learning this week and on successfully adding numbers with one decimal place!
Year 6 - Aaryan: For his exceptional effort in going above and beyond in maths, both in class and for homework- your skill and mathematical thinking amazes me! Well done!