Rafael - Creche: For some amazing creations at the loose parts play area.
Alexander - FS1: for showing interest in different class activities.
Pendo - FS2: For being a caring friend and a super helper.
Siana - Year 1: For her outstanding Place Value work, especially when writing numbers forwards and backwards to 20.
Elahi - Year 2: For settling in very well at BMIS.
Willa - Year 3: For her great effort and determination in solving Base10 word problems in Maths.
Etienne - Year 4: for outstanding behaviour in class. Etienne is always attentive during lessons and puts his hand up when he needs to speak. Well done, Etienne.
Alenka - Year 5: For a fantastic holiday narrative!
Sean - Year 6: For an exceptionally well-written autobiography- a future author to watch out fo