FS1 Class - For an amazing term full of fun, interactive and amazing learning experiences
FS2 - For sharing cookies and making gifts for giving at Christmas
Adanna - Year 1 - For her bright, sparkly personality and outstanding effort when solving maths problems recently.
David - Year 2: For his brilliant attitude this term and his positive approach towards his studies.
Etienne - Year 3: For his positive attitude and consistent hard work this term.
Dev - Year 4: For an amazing attitude towards his studies and being there for others when they need help.
Lloyd - Year 5: For being an excellent Roman Numerals Converter.
Ariana - Year 6: For her calm, gentle manner and mature attitude during playtimes, especially when dealing with conflict and helping others.
T.A Students of the week
Sammy - Year 6: For creating challenges during short division and explaining how to work them out.
LS Student of the week
Joone - Year 5: For his improving listening and speaking skills in lessons.
Hero of the week
Gaetan - Year 6: For his effort in all sessions and the progress he has shown, especially in his reading and writing. Well done, Gaetan- your hard work is paying off!