Students Enjoying Success and Developing Transferable Skills

17th March 2023

The lunchtime Chess Activity is really thriving now.

Maybe this is related to the recent success which our students have enjoyed in inter-school tournaments.

There is still time for Secondary and KS2 Primary students to come along on Monday and Thursday lunchtime.


Healthy individuals working collaboratively and promoting tolerance.

This term the secondary students have enjoyed the after school football activity. This activity has proved very popular amongst the students with a large number turning up each week, eager to play the game. Football is a great activity that promotes many values. It keeps you physically and mentally fit, helping to reduce stress. It promotes healthy competition, where players must give their very best in order to succeed. Students learn to work as a team, supporting their classmates and celebrating the success of others. It also encourages discipline and fair-play, with students having to play within the rules and respect their opponents.

Here are some quotes from our students:

“Football activity is the best, we should do it every day.” Alex Y10

“Football activity is fun and enjoyable.” Tung’a Y8

“Football activity is the best activity I ever played.” Kevin Y7

“Football activity is fun.” Fidel Y9

“Football activity has helped to improve my fitness.” Arnav Y11

Mr Took


Independent learners reaching for the top

Year 11 Maths Revision Club

The ‘secret’ to good IGCSE grades is effective revision. Of course, we all know that and it is no secret at all. Some students have mastered the self-discipline required to do this on their own and some are still developing this necessary life skill. Either way it can be more enjoyable to revise in groups. As well as adding an extra hour of Mathematics revision to the week, joining maths revision after school gives students the time to practise questions with a qualified teacher available to help.

Mathematics, like many other subjects, requires practice to attain the accuracy and fluency to achieve good grades. Reading and remembering the formuae is just not enough if you cannot apply them.

Here are a couple of key quotes taken from the TheUniGuide that answer the question ‘What makes the difference between and A/A* student versus other students ?’

Practice is key:

‘Practice is key, so getting your hands on past paper questions and answers is very important. You're able to make connections between different areas of the syllabus. This is very important when it comes to A / A* questions.

So put down those revision cards and mind-maps once you've learned them. There's no point going over something a million times; you need to be able to apply it. …’

Don’t cram:

‘Revise continually. Don't leave it a few weeks before an exam. Revise the stuff you're learning as you learn it.

Go home from school and make flash cards and posters and so on. That way, when you come to the exam period, you already know most of it and it's just brushing up on final details. Don't frantically cram for an exam. There's no point - it won't go in.’


Making the grade: A* students share their revision tips and secrets - The Uni Guide

WebpageTaylor, Taylor

Mrs Wood

Mathematics Coordinator

Academic mindset - the benefits of homework

Students are enthusiastic about the homework club I supervise every Monday after school.

They start to complete their homework or sometimes have non- disruptive discussion to seek clarity on the allocated tasks. Here is the feedback I got from a sample of the students regarding the homework club.

Arnav- As a Year 11 candidate, I don't get much time at home since I spend most of my time studying and homework club gives me the time to do extra revision, time for homework and a bit of time to rest then at home.

Fidel- Homework club has allowed me extra time to do revision. It has furthermore helped me to get time to do my homework as I get home late. Lastly, it has allowed me to ask for support for my subjects such as Biology and Chemistry.

Lyrix- As a candidate, homework club helps me in many good ways, it helps me to be able to do my work and if I have a question I am free to consult my teacher, it creates time for me because when I get home I am able to do revision since all my homework tasks would have been completed by that time.

Alex- Being in homework club helps me do my homework and revise for tests which gives me time at home to do other activities and hobbies of mine. Also in the homework club I have a study group with a few of my friends where we can discuss current school topics.

Lilly- homework club helps me because I have extra time to do homework I may not be able to complete at home. I can also ask my peers in other years about homework I may be struggling with, which I wouldn't be able to do otherwise.

Poul- doing my homework in homework club makes me feel less stressed when I go home. So, I complete part of my homework at school and I get extra time to revise my notes at home.

Ms Okech

10 Benefits of Homework

BTEC Level 3
Association of International Schools in Africa
The Independent Association of Prep Schools
GL Education Assessment Excellence
Council of International Schools
Council of British International Schools
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Cambridge International Examinations
Kenyan International Schools Association