Student council representatives - successful individuals and effective communicators

15th September 2023

Congratulations to the students who were chosen by their peers to represent them in student council meetings. Student council meetings happen every other Friday at lunchtime. The Year 12 student representative chairs the meetings and takes the minutes that are then distributed via Google Classroom. Every Tuesday during registration, the student council representatives discuss items to raise in the next meeting with their classmates who share what is going well and what they would like to improve. Mme Mwangi is present at the Friday meetings to answer questions and give feedback. Once the minutes have been sent to her, she can liaise with the relevant members of staff to address concerns and also share the positive points brought up by the students. Student council representatives are a link between a year group and the school management and the meetings provide a space for healthy discussions which make them really enjoyable. Braeburn Mombasa values the students’ views and finds it crucial to embrace their ideas to move the school forward. A few examples of student council initiatives include the BMIS sandals, warning bells at break and lunch, changes to the timings of the day, improving the outdoor space and the sport equipment provision at break and lunch times. We look forward to a successful partnership again this year and thank the students for their many positive comments on the school’s environment and academic learning in the meeting last week.

Samuel Year 7.jpg
Samuel - Year 7
Denis Year 8.jpg
Denis - Year 8
Rigby Y9.jpg
Rigby - Year 9
Isabell Year 10.jpg
Isabell - Year 10
Tasneem Year 11.jpg
Tasneem - Year 11
Fidel Year 12.jpg
Fidel - Year 12
GL Education Assessment Excellence
Council of International Schools
Council of British International Schools
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Cambridge International Examinations
Kenyan International Schools Association
BTEC Level 3
Association of International Schools in Africa
The Independent Association of Prep Schools