Secondary PSHCE - KS3

15th October 2022

Year 7 PSHCE

The Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship and Economic Education programme focuses on three core themes and covers the statutory requirements of the Department for Education (DfE). The three core themes are: Health and Wellbeing, Relationships, and Living in the Wider World. All students in the secondary school have one hour of PSHCE every week and study topics from the three core themes, focusing on aspects appropriate to their age group.

Year 7 PSHCE Term 1b - Transition and Safety

The Year 7 PSHCE lessons this term focused on the transition to secondary school and personal safety in and outside school, including first aid.

We started by reminding ourselves of what PSHCE stands for and established some ground rules for the lessons. PSHCE lessons are often discussion based and it is crucial that all students respect others’ opinions and are non-judgemental. There is also a box in the classroom where students can post questions anonymously if there is something they are wondering/worried about. We then talked about the transition to Secondary and looked at important values, rules and how to set targets, not only academically but also personal targets to thrive. For example, if a student feels that they are challenged by group work, their target will be focusing on that aspect in order for them to become more confident when working with others. Individual strengths were highlighted too as it is important to be aware of what we are good at.

Personal safety and travel safety were discussed and examples in various contexts looked at before embarking on a lesson about first aid. At that level, students should be aware of what to do when they or someone else is bleeding. We started with a little science and reviewed some important facts about blood and how it circulates in our body. We then looked at the different steps to take to give first aid. The Year 7 students used a lot of common sense and had a good understanding of the signs and symptoms a person can exhibit when bleeding or in shock. Have a look at the starter activity and see if you can fill in the blanks!

It was a pleasure for Miss Barasa and I to teach the Year 7 students PSHCE this term. They will be looking at developing skills and aspirations, with Miss Onyango, for the next half of term.

Mme Mwangi

Click here to view Year 7 PSHCE presentation

first aid bleeding Y7 PSHCE.PNG

Year 9 - Drugs And Substance Use And Peer Pressure


Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
The Independent Association of Prep Schools
Independent Schools Inspectorate