Secondary Physical Education

20th June 2022

Mud, mud glorious mud! Nothing quite like it for sliding through and scoring a try!

We have been very much enjoying our games lessons this term. All of the boys and girls have been playing both netball and rugby and having a great time in their learning. The good (wet and rainy!) weather has meant some exciting lessons including contact rugby which has gone down very well with almost everyone enjoying learning the skills and taking part in some sort of mini games. As you can see from the pictures, the rain assisted the fun!

We have also been enjoying netball this term, again with everyone taking an active role and enjoying the game. We have been playing some mixed games at U13 - where they pushed Kivukoni very close in a competitive fixture. Good performances in defence from Ayaan and Lauren and the mobility and handling of Abinhav made for a very good game. Ernest and Jasmine scored five goals between them in the game and we really made Kivukoni work for their win.

The department also would like to thank the Year 11 students. They have been taking short breaks from their examinations and revision to assist with the Year 1 and 2 lessons. They have been extremely helpful and their younger schoolmates have really appreciated their efforts, as have we!

PE Department

The Independent Association of Prep Schools
Association of International Schools in Africa
GL Education Assessment Excellence
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools (Accredited Member)
Kenyan International Schools Association
Council of British International Schools