Secondary Learning Support News

28th October 2022

What is learning support to me?

Learning Support is a generic phrase that may have different meanings and interpretations across different settings. At BMIS, this is an opportunity for students who learn differently to practise their learning skills and content that need more emphasis, that needs a different approach to grasp and or they may have missed before. We also practise essential study skills like self-regulation (correcting self) and metacognition (learning how to learn). It is in learning support that we inculcate good working habits such as risk taking, time management and taking responsibility. To be in learning support, several assessments, observations and teacher voice has to be considered prior enrolling one for it. Learning support is in 3 folds: in-class support which entails having an extra teaching staff in class to support learning in core subjects, withdrawal of students during after school time for extra subject, topic or skill based lessons and the focus of assessing and supporting students to get access arrangements such as extra time during assessments and or examinations. There is enough evidence that learning support raises learners’ self-esteem and confidence to approach learning. Successful learning support also teaches learners to take charge of their own learning hence becoming responsible. As a result, learning support teaches learners to identify success and celebrate it hence enjoy the learning process. We asked some students who are in learning support to give their individual reflection on this learning provision. This is what each one had to say.

Poul: Learning support is a place I can go for help with anything with Maths or English. I find it very helpful with Maths especially since I am in Year 10. It's very fun to do English learning support with Kingdavid. 

Ayaan: It is an opportunity to work on my spelling and ask questions about what I did not understand in class.

Kingdavid: Learning support helps me a lot in Maths, especially in case I didn’t grasp a concept in class.

Mikaela: Leaning support helps me to practise what I struggle with and sometimes we do fun work.

Hendrika: I like Learning support because it helps me get more understanding and catch up with my classwork and due to learning support I am able to understand things better.

Mr Cornelius
