Secondary Art News

27th January 2023

Andy Goldsworthy inspired nature sculptures

This term Year 9 students started off their art projects on a high note. The students were excited to create natural sculptures using found objects in their school environment.

Unlike Goldworthy the students created several compositions within 45 minutes.

A sculptor and photographer, Andy Goldsworthy not only works with nature, but in nature. Rather than building monumental constructions on or out of the land, Goldsworthy works almost telepathically with nature, rearranging its natural forms in such a way as to enhance rather than detract from their beauty. His poetic site-specific pieces are made from ephemeral or organic materials - dandelion flowers laid in a ring or icicles perched on a rockorthy views the inevitable death and decay in his work as part of the life cycle - he takes an environmentalist's approach, lending an utmost respect toward the natural world as most of his pieces gradually fade away into the land from which they've come.

Goldsworthy has gained a significant reputation for both his ephemeral works and his permanent installations that draw out the endemic character of a place. The artist works with natural materials, such as leaves, sand, ice, and stone that often originate from the local site.

The Year 9 students were inspired by a few art elements as well, which they creatively incorporated in their compositions.

Their main challenge was the strong blowing wind that blew off their sculptural compositions, but they were able to overcome this and create some impressive forms.

Ms Onyango

Art teacher


GL Education Assessment Excellence
Association of British Schools Overseas
The Independent Association of Prep Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
Association of International Schools in Africa
International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme
International Baccalaureate Career Related Programme
Council of International Schools
IB World School Status
Council of British International Schools
Independent Schools Inspectorate