Safer Internet Day 2023

10th February 2023

This year, Safer Internet Day asks everyone to make space for conversations about life online, especially with young people. Nobody knows your online experiences better than you. That’s why this year, the theme for Safer Internet Day is: Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online.

Conversations are a fantastic tool that help us all work better together. What benefits can you think of for talking to other people?

  • It’s a way to connect and bond with other people.
  • It’s a chance to learn new things and ask questions.
  • It’s a way to share information and ideas.
  • You can get help when things go wrong.
  • It’s fun!

All of these reasons and more show that communicating is not only important but can make our lives better too. It’s especially important if you ever have a worry or concern – telling someone can help you feel better and means you’re not on your own. Together you can work out what to do next. The more we talk about the things we see and do online, the easier it is for us all to support each other. It also means that if something ever does go wrong, it’s even easier to find someone to help.

Some of our KS3 students used a traffic light system to describe how online experiences made them feel. Green=Positive and happy. Amber=mildly annoyed or frustrated. Red=Angry and upset

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So, this Safer Internet Day we are challenging everyone to talk about it.

  • Talk to your friends. Talk to the adults you know and trust.
  • Tell them about how you use the internet and how it helps you day to day.
  • Tell them about the things online that frustrate you, or the things that make you laugh out loud.
  • Tell them about how you think they can best support you in your online life.

Most importantly, tell them if something is worrying you. It’s never too late to share an online problem and get help and support that can make things better.

Happy Safer Internet Day everyone!

Mr Took

Head of ICT/Computing Department

Cambridge International Examinations
GL Education Assessment Excellence
Council of International Schools