20th May 2022
What a start to term three! We have been working very hard on learning new skills in both netball and rugby. All of the children have learned new and exciting rugby skills, including running with the ball, passing the ball and winning the ball back and likewise in netball, new skills have been worked on and old ones improved, including passing and moving, footwork and defending and attacking the goal.
It has been lots of fun teaching both boys and girls and seeing them learn from each other in both games.
We are excitedly awaiting a mixed netball fixture in week five at Kivukoni, our first for sometime, and hopefully the first of many. There will be a report from the match in the week following.
In rugby lessons we have seen some high quality performances form many children, particularly Ottos running with the ball in Year 2, Nat’s enthusiasm in Year 1, all of the girls in Year 3&4s efforts in tackling! The energy shown by all of the children when we have been practising some of the contact skills has been extremely impressive! In netball lessons we have been very pleased with the movement and passing of Nicole, Alba and Tatiana.
The primary lessons will continue to run with both boys and girls having rugby in their first lesson of the week and netball in their second lesson. We will keep you informed of any changes but this system of lessons seems to be working really well currently.
As a reminder:
We will be trying to play with contact where possible, as the conditions allow, so all students will require a mouth guard and suitable footwear. Please no Crocs or flip flops.
Suitable footwear is essential for the netball lessons. Again, please no Crocs or flip flops.
We are looking forward to the U9 netball and rugby festival at the Banda school in Nairobi after half term. We are very much hoping to take as many from year three and four as possible to play and learn as a team.
We look forward to hearing form you all, have a great term
Nigel Moyse & PE DEPT