PE News - Term 2

13th January 2023

Happy new year to you all!

We are very pleased to be back and ready to start our term fresh and enthused after a well earned break. This term sees us take to the hockey field, the gymnastics mats and also pick up our rackets, along with swimming! So another busy term is afoot!

Across the school the children will be playing hockey in their first physical education lesson of the week. In these lessons long socks, shin pads and mouth guards should be worn

alongside the usual Braeburn PE kit.

Hockey Lessons:

Monday - Years 3&4 in primary, Years 9, 10&11 in secondary

Tuesday - Years 5&6 in primary, Years 7&8 in secondary

Wednesday - Years 1&2 in primary

In their second lesson of the week the primary children will be split into two groups, and will have a half term of gymnastics or racket sports then swap in week six. We will group the children and write in their diaries which activity they are doing for the half term.

In secondary Year 7&8 will do a half term of Badminton and a half term of Gymnastics. The older children in Years 9,10 & 11 will have an option choice, in the second lesson, this will include some dance, gymnastics and movement as well as some racket sports and striking games.

During this term there are also many swimming events, from CASA and local galas to IAPS and Inter-Braeburn galas. Ms Maron and Coach Jackie will communicate these as the term progresses.

The Braeburn Swimming club-Mombasa branch continues to grow and is now open to the public, so if there are friends or family that are interested please contact the school for the details or pop in to see Coach Jackie or Ms Maron.

A reminder of the club's sessions:

Monday 6.15am-7.15am 4pm-5pm
Tuesday 6.15am-7.15am 4pm-5pm
Wednesday n/a 4pm-6pm
Thursday 6.15am-7.15am 4pm-5pm
Friday 6.15am-7.15am 3pm-4pm
Saturday 8am-10am

Please, remember to register (if you have not done so already) for your preferred sessions.

Thank you all for the huge support that you gave the students last term. We are very proud of their achievements, often making a long trip and working hard against tough opposition, our teams never stopped or lacked effort, often matching the skills of other schools teams and making positive impressions at each event.

Please be aware that we are doing our very best to offer a blend of activities both here in and around Mombasa and in Nairobi and really try to get the best value for you and your children. When we are booking trips please pay as soon as possible as this helps to keep the costs lower and helps us with our planning. We will try our best to give you as much notice as possible, as we have to balance selecting the right children with the timing of the trip - it is not always possible to select a team six weeks in advance, but we do try to balance this!

Again thank you for the continued support and we look forward to making more improvements again this term.

Kind regards,

Nigel Moyse and the Sport Dept.

Council of International Schools
Council of British International Schools
The Independent Association of Prep Schools
IB World School Status
GL Education Assessment Excellence