Key Stage 5 News

1st September 2023

This term we welcome the Year 12 students who are here to start the A- level and BTEC course after sitting their IGCSEs at the end of the last academic year.  We also have new faces joining the 6th form team for the AS and BTEC course which has a new head, Mr Polycap Adicka.

At Braeburn Mombasa, we offer a stimulating programme that runs throughout Year 12 and 13 for all students.  It includes extra-curricular activities and PSHCE lessons in life skills that continue and develop during Years 12 and 13. In Key Stage 5, the programme is by nature a broad and balanced curriculum, and students should find their programme of study both stimulating and enriching. Their journey through 6th form is an intellectual as well as an emotional challenge. For instance, being tested, learning to manage workloads, and wondering if you are ‘good enough’, can all be sources of strong emotions a student needs to learn to work through.

The programme offered is balanced in several ways; students can choose between curricular and extracurricular activities, which are competitive, or non-competitive, depending on the level of challenge they want. Physical Education is one of the lessons in their timetable, and this is typically time students can spend simply enjoying their favourite sporting activities; as an extra-curricular subject, students are typically working and training for sports competitions.

Probably for most of the 6th form group, one of the biggest areas they have set as a target this term is learning to manage their workload and find time for downtime. Balance is the key idea, but achieving it is not always straightforward. One important aspect of resilient and confident students is that they need a degree of autonomy in their decision-making. This is particularly important for the students at this stage as they transition from adolescence into adulthood and we hope to help them achieve their collective target this term.

Key Stage 4 / 5 Coordinator

L. Mkok

Council of International Schools
Council of British International Schools
The Independent Association of Prep Schools
IB World School Status
GL Education Assessment Excellence