28th April 2023

This year began with much activity in Key Stage 4 the most crucial being the IGCSE Mock Examination sat early in the term by the Year 11 students in their final IGCSE year. This was followed by online Mock result review meetings with Mr Alex Manning, the Braeburn Schools Careers and University Applications Adviser, to discuss the results with students and their parents. He also gave advice on education options available to students who would like to pursue higher education.

Mr Manning also spoke to the Year 9 students after they had a trial of the IGCSE subjects they could choose to study next year during taster lessons taught by the subject teachers. With guidance, they then made their first option choices from the available subjects and are currently finalising their decisions.

The last few days before the end of last term were filled with much activity, and preparations for the start of final IGCSE examinations. Some examinations were conducted in the penultimate week of the term: Art, French speaking and Kiswahili speaking. The coursework papers for Art, History and Physical Education were also sent to Cambridge Assessment International Education. The candidates utilised their time during the holidays to revise with help from their subject tutors.

On a celebratory note, Lilly-May Wakefield was awarded the Summum Appeto award for her hard work and dedication over the year. This was proof of her achievement and conscientious approach towards her work as well as her positive attitude both in and outside the Year 10 classroom. Well done Lilly-May!

There were also some fun-filled moments when the school was full of colour like on Crazy Hair Day as some students came to school looking ‘cool’ in fancy hairdos to raise money for Kwale Eye Centre. The highlight of the term though was the end-of-term inter-house hockey tournament which was followed by the high school Disco at the end of the day where students took time to shake a leg in an exciting afternoon of fun and dance. It was surely a nice way to end the term with pomp and merry.

The final IGCSE and Lower Secondary Checkpoint Examinations are ongoing, having started as soon as we resumed this term.

Best of Luck to all the 2023 candidates!



Y11 Art students after submitting their coursework.jpg

Y11 Art students after submitting their coursework

Independent Schools Inspectorate
Association of British Schools Overseas
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence
Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of International Schools
Pearson Edexcel Certification
Council of British International Schools
The Independent Association of Prep Schools