Key Stage 4-5 Highlights

18th January 2024

Welcome back! We hope that you had a restful break and are energised for the exciting term ahead. As we kick off the new term, there are a few important updates and events to highlight for both Key Stage 4 and 5 students.

Mock Examinations for IGCSE Students: As we approach the 2024 IGCSE examinations, our students must be well-prepared. Ongoing Mock examinations provide our IGCSE students with an opportunity to test their knowledge and examination readiness. Students are aware of the schedule and prepared for the mock examinations that started this week for IGCSE students and after half-term for the A-level students. The mock Examinations are a crucial step in gauging our students' understanding, identifying areas for improvement, and fine-tuning our teaching strategies. It is an opportunity for students to experience the examination environment, build resilience, and apply acquired skills.

Model United Nations (EAMUN) Conference: We are thrilled to announce that a selected group of Key Stage 4 students will be representing our school at the upcoming Model United Nations conference (EAMUN) over the half-term break. This is an excellent opportunity for our students to engage in diplomatic discussions, enhance their public speaking skills, and broaden their understanding of global issues. The commitment and dedication of the team of students as they work on their resolutions before the conference has been amazing and they are committed to achieving success. Hopefully, this will be a productive and enriching experience for everyone.

A-level Mock Examinations Preparation

Within our 6th form, the A-level students are gearing up for an important milestone as they also prepare to sit for their Mock examinations after the upcoming half-term break. The anticipation and hard work among the students is great and we encourage all our A-level students to utilise the resources available, seek guidance from teachers, and put their best foot forward during this crucial period.

BTEC Students: Meanwhile, our BTEC students continue their efforts, working hard on their courses and assignments. We are proud of the progress they are making in their respective fields of study. To our BTEC students, keep up the great work – your determination is truly inspiring!

Support and Resources: As the demands of the term increase, IGCSE, BTEC and A - level students are reminded that support is readily available. Teachers, mentors, and staff are available to assist on the academic journey. From supervised revision sessions in different subjects, mentorship sessions, and homework clubs; we have a variety of initiatives aimed at fostering a positive and supportive learning environment for our students.

We wish all our Key Stage 4 and 5 students the best of luck in their preparations and endeavours as they approach each challenge with confidence and resilience. We can make this term a productive and enriching experience for everyone. Here is to a successful term!


KEY STAGE 4 and 5 Coordinator

Study image .jpg
Pearson Edexcel Certification
Council of British International Schools
The Independent Association of Prep Schools
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Association of British Schools Overseas
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence
Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of International Schools