International Day

8th October 2018


Azerbaijan to the USA, we had a great variety of countries represented at our parade to begin our International Day. It was lovely to see so many colours and national costumes on students and teachers.

Early Years enjoyed traveled from India, France, Kenya and New Zealand. They made the Eiffel Tower with blocks and their bodies and learnt all about the Kiwi.

In Primary, pupils traveled around the world, learning about Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, Uganda, Kenya and Scotland. They were artist exploring Aboriginal painting styles, chefs making Scottish shortbread and were weaving like they do in Brazil.

The Secondary pupils learned to write greetings and their names in different languages, worked as a team to learn and present about another country and enjoyed games from another country outdoors.







Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
Kenyan International Schools Association
The Independent Association of Prep Schools