18th January 2024
Welcome back to an exciting term in the Early Years. The children were happy to be back and spent the first week exploring our different areas and resources, both inside and outside the classroom. They were very happy to be back with their friends and were full of talk and smiles about their holidays.
We have begun the year with some interesting topics. FS2 have been busy learning about growing in the garden and healthy eating. FS1 begun with healthy eating and this week they have had two interesting topics of aeroplanes and penguins. Our Pre-Crèche and Crèche classes have been learning about fruit. We look forward to seeing where the children lead us to with further topics this term.
One overarching theme through all classes this term is ‘Healthy Me’. Children will learn about healthy eating, exercise, sun safety, personal safety and washing hands and teeth.
We have also begun learning Makaton. Makaton, or “keyword signing”, is a simple and easy form of signed communication. The keyword refers to the sentence’s most essential information-carrying word. Unlike BSL, Makaton is not a formal sign language; it is a language system. Makaton may be seen as a bridge to talking and to other language skills. It is designed to back up speech, and research has shown that using signs and symbols can help with speech and language development. Increasingly, Makaton is being used in an inclusive way with all children, not just for those with communication difficulties.
Check out our Makaton board for our signs of the week.
We look forward to our new adventures in the EYFS and continuing developing our ties with our parents and community.
Ms Marina
Head of Early Years