EYFS News - FS1

23rd February 2024

The FS1 children have had an exciting start to the second half of the term. We've embarked on a new topic, 'Growing Plants,' delving into the fascinating world of plant growth. The children have been learning about the essential elements plants need to thrive and how to nurture them. Our EYFS vegetable garden has been a focal point, with the children eagerly participating in the daily ritual of watering the tomato and spinach plants.

In our maths explorations, we've been engaging in creative pattern-making exercises using various materials. From sticks and leaves to peg and board games, as well as a ring and stick activity, the children have been actively involved in designing and creating diverse patterns.

In Phonics and Literacy, the children are making strides in recognising their names in print. Using name cards as guides, they've been practicing tracing, copying, and writing their names with enthusiasm and growing proficiency.

Looking ahead, the FS1 children are excited to extend a warm invitation for you to join us soon for our upcoming class assembly. During this special event, they will proudly present something of their choice, showcasing what they've been learning and exploring in class. It promises to be a delightful showcase of their newfound knowledge and skills.

Miss. Grace N

GL Education Assessment Excellence
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music
Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools
Independent Schools Inspectorate