7th May 2022
The children in Early Years came back with happiness and excitement to see their friends, begin new topics and learn.
We have some lovely topics to begin our third term. The Pre-Creche and Creche class dive into Under The Sea. They learnt new vocab, explored sea creatures in blue water and blue playdough and created art to decorate their new class in their topic. People Who Help is the topic in FS1. They learnt about doctors, firefighters and made some great fire engines. In FS2 the topic is The Three Little Pigs and Home and Houses. They have sequenced the story, collaborated to make the three houses and learnt about different houses and the materials used to make them.
This term for PSHE, our theme in ‘Unique Me’. Each week we will learn about the different cultures that make up our Early Years family. In Week 1 we learnt about New Zealand and a song about a rabbit in Maori. Week 2 we learnt about Uganda and a song from Uganda. Next week we will learn about Kenya and Rwanda. Ask the Early Years children what they have learnt.
We are looking forward to an exciting term in Early Years. We have a family cultural picnic in Week 5 and our Early Years production in Week 10. We are excited to see where the children's interest will take our next topics too.
Ms Marina
Head of Early Years