English Showcase

18th November 2022

Creche English

The Crèche children enjoy looking at books and talking about what they can see on the pictures. This helps them to learn new words and builds their vocabulary. Every week they are excited to visit the library and choose their own choice of book to take home to show their family.

Mrs Juzer



In FS1, children begin learning how to recognise their names in print. They learn the initial sound on their name and how to sound it out. Each child has name labels with their names printed on them that they use to label their pieces of work. This helps them learn the letters on their names and how they look. Each child has a special name card that they use to trace the letters on their name then progress to writing their name.

Miss. Grace N



FS2 enjoyed learning different nursery rhymes this term. Nursery rhymes introduce children to the idea of storytelling, promote social skills and boost language development. They also lay the foundation for learning to read and spell.

Enjoy listening to three children sing 12345 Once I Caught a Fish Alive.

Ms Marina

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Narrative writing in Year 1

This week in Year 1 we have been building up to writing our first narrative for the year - A Mr Men Story! First, we made a list of 3 Mr. Men characters that are ‘most like me’, before narrowing it down to one character and eventually we developed a plan for our upcoming narrative.

Along the way we learnt how to:

- Use capital letters for names

- Use adjectives to describe a person

- Develop the characters and setting when writing a narrative story

Mr Buckley


Year 2

The Year 2 children have been exploring different forms of writing this term. They have enjoyed creating performance poetry, traditional tales and other fictional narratives.

Ms Karuri


Year 3

The children have been helping Professor Folklore to write basic information texts about some strange and often misunderstood mythical creatures using their own interesting information to let the truth about fairies and dragons be known to everyone.

In the process, the students have learnt about the various features of information texts and applied these in their writing. They have attempted to use correct punctuation, powerful adjectives, adverbs, similes and topic words to enhance their texts.

Mrs Pasta

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Year 4

We have been reading stories with familiar settings, focusing on Horrid Henry’s stories. This week, the children started planning their own stories in a creative and humorous way.

Mr Kamana

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Year 5

In English, Year 5 have been exploring autobiographies and biographies. They read samples of them, researched and wrote their own biographies and autobiographies.

Mrs Mwaka


Year 6

In their English lesson for the last 2 weeks, Year 6 have been focusing on adventure stories. We learned a model text to look for key features then had a go at ‘boxing up’ a story we know. Then we used a planning sheet to set out ideas for our own adventure stories. Which planning style do you prefer?

Mrs Meyer
