Celebrating KS3 Achievements: A Term in Review at BMIS

22nd March 2024

As the curtains draw on another term brimming with activity and achievement at BMIS, it is time to reflect on the events and milestones that have defined the journey over the term. From swimming galas to academic assessments and student leadership initiatives, it has been a term filled with accomplishments and growth for the KS3 community.

In the Wednesday assemblies, students took the stage to share their insights on various topics, demonstrating their research skills and public speaking abilities. These class assemblies served as a testament to the students’ curiosity and commitment to learning beyond the classroom. Meanwhile, the dedication shown by Year 9 students during their MOCKS checkpoint exams is commendable, reflecting their readiness to tackle academic challenges head-on.

The effort made by the student leaders – prefects, student council representatives, house captains, and vice-captains – to juggle their studies and their leadership roles within the school is acknowledged. They have served as an example to their peers, and their commitment to their duties, seen in the improved presence of prefects during short breaks and lunch breaks, was noticed. The student council representatives represented their forms with dedication and confidence, ensuring student voices are heard and valued. The house captains contributed to the success of the inter-house swimming gala by making entries and supporting their houses. However, there remains significant room for improvement among all student leaders to strengthen their presence in the next term. They should actively exercise their leadership skills for their personal growth and the betterment of the school community.

A special mention goes out to all the students who participated in PASS interviews, bravely sharing their honest feedback and feelings. Their vulnerability and willingness to contribute to self-improvement is deeply appreciated.

Lastly, a massive thank you goes out to the teachers and parents for their continued support and contribution towards shaping the KS3 students into responsible citizens, confident individuals, and learners enjoying success. Their guidance and encouragement are crucial in the students' journey toward success and fulfilment.

As we look forward to the upcoming term, let us carry with us the lessons learned and the achievements celebrated, continuing to strive for excellence in all that is done. Here is to another term of growth, discovery and success at BMIS!

Rachel Simon

KS3 Coordinator

BTEC Level 3
Association of International Schools in Africa
The Independent Association of Prep Schools
GL Education Assessment Excellence
Council of International Schools
Council of British International Schools
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Cambridge International Examinations